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Ei koskaan enää / Never Again. Documentary on the gangstarap artist Mercedes Bentso. |
Tampere Film Festival (TFF) / National Competition 1
K11 | 6.3. WED/KE 16:00 | PLEVNA 2 |
Language/kieli: Eng, Fin
D: Aino Suni | Finland 2018 | Documentary | 69 min
TFF: "Linda is a rapper and a woman, who after getting brutally assaulted by her boyfriend, decided to leave the drug scene and started to pursue her dreams and build a new life."
"Kuusitoistavuotias Linda joutuu poikaystävänsä ra’asti pahoinpitelemäksi. Kasvokkain kuoleman kanssa Linda päättää henkensä säilyttääkseen päästä irti subukoukusta ja väkivaltaisesta miehestä. Kaksi vuotta myöhemmin kuivilla oleva Linda on gangstarap artisti Mercedes Bentso, joka puhuu alistettujen naisten asemasta." (TFF)
AA: A hard hitting documentary portrait of the young Finnish gangstarap artist Mercedes Bentso, active in Finland and Sweden. A portrait of a fighter, abused since early childhood, abandoned by her father at age 4. Because of her Romani background, she is discriminated by the majorities. Because of her rapper identity, she is a stranger among the Romani. Her boyfriend is a convicted murderer serving a 14 year life sentence. It is a life of hardship with an unstable record producer but also a tale of overcoming all difficulties, not the least of which is rampant male chauvinism in hiphop circles.
Many songs are included, all written by Mercedes Bentso herself, coming to terms with the abuse and violence she has experienced, also her combat against narcotic addictions. She has something to say and she says it loud and clear.
A film full of life force and fighting power.
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