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Toisinajattelija / The Dissident. Pentti Linkola. |
Tampere Film Festival (TFF): National Competition 8
8.3. FRI/PE 13:30 | PLEVNA 2
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Minä olen ihminen sinun Jumalasi / I'm a Man, Your God. |
Risto-Pekka Blom | Finland 2019 | Experimental, Fiction | 5 min
TFF: "There was no room for other animals in the ark. The only one left is the king of creation, the worst of all animals, human."
"Arkkiin ei mahtunut muita eläimiä. Jäljellä on vain luomakunnan kuningas, eläimistä huonoin, ihminen." (TFF)
AA: Cosmic visions of air, water, nature. ♪ Arvo Pärt: Da pacem: Salve Regina. Cosmic irony.
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Hiljaa kuin murhaajat / Silent as Murderers. |
Lauri-Matti Parppei | Finland 2019 | Fiction | 17 min
TFF: "Two friends are spending their last summer together, working as gardeners. They share a secret: in the night, they sneak into other people’s homes while the residents are sleeping."
"Kaksi kaverusta työskentelee puutarhureina ja viettää viimeistä kesäänsä yhdessä. Heillä on salaisuus: öisin he hiipivät ihmisten koteihin, sillä aikaa kun talojen asukkaat nukkuvat." (TFF)
AA: A weirdly elegant tale of summer gardeners who visit the houses of their employers as cat burglars at night. Stylishly shot in scope.
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1,5 metriä tilaa / 1,5 Meters Space. Sinikka and her young neighbour, the film director Vilja Autiokyrö |
Vilja Autiokyrö | Finland 2018 | Documentary | 17 min
TFF: "Sinikka has by chance made acquaintance with her downstairs neighbour Vilja and asked her for help. Things have taken over Sinikka’s home and there is only a small human-sized pathway left in the apartment. As a window renovation is approaching, Sinikka needs to clear 1,5 meters empty space. A short documentary of friendship and its meaning in giving and receiving help."
"Sinikka on sattumalta tutustunut alakerran naapuriinsa Viljaan, ja nyt hän pyytää tältä apua. Sinikan koti on tavaroiden valtaama, ja asunnon läpi kulkee vain kapea polku. Pian olisi tiedossa ikkunaremontti, joten Sinikan on raivattava puolitoista metriä tyhjää tilaa ikkunan eteen. Lyhyt dokumentti ystävyydestä ja sen merkityksestä avun antamisessa ja vastaanottamisessa." (TFF)
AA: Home cleaning as extreme sport: Sinikka is almost vanishing into things that are accumulating in her apartment. Her young neighbour, the film director Vilja Autiokyrö, manages to clear the 1,5 meters that are needed for the window repairs.
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Maalitaulu / Target. Smartphones as weapons in social media. |
Antti Heikki Pesonen | Finland 2019 | Fiction | 8 min
TFF: "One man accuses another of inappropriate behavior and threatens to shame him on social media."
"Mies syyttää toista asiattomasta käytöksestä ja uhkaa nolata hänet sosiaalisessa mediassa." (TFF)
AA: Smartphone as a weapon with which you can destroy another person in an instant. Due to a misunderstanding a man is branded as a pedophile. A mislabelled smartphone photo is ready to be sent online.
Georg Grotenfelt | Finland 2018 | Documentary | 26 min
TFF: "Pentti Linkola is a well known philosopher, ornithologist and writer. All his life he has been concerned with the future of mankind and nature. He predicted the ecocatastrophe already in the 1960ies. This film shows his daily life living on his own in the middle of the forest."
"Pentti Linkola on tunnettu filosofi, lintutieteilijä ja kirjailija. Läpi elämänsä hän on ollut huolissaan ihmiskunnan ja luonnon tulevaisuudesta. Linkola ennusti meneillään olevan ekologisen katastrofin jo 1960-luvulla. Tämä elokuva on kuvaus hänen arjestaan yksin metsän keskellä." (TFF)
AA: Much has been written about Pentti Linkola, Finland's most prominent eco-warner since the 1960s. This portrait documentary does not focus on him as a doomsday prophet but as a nature lover. Shot during three autumns by Georg Grotenfelt, a friend of Linkola's since the 1970s. A beautiful account of the infinite wonders of nature as experienced by Linkola. ♪ Beethoven: späte Streichquartette. Vivaldi: Le quattro stagioni.
Beethoven: Opus 133: Große Fuge in B-Dur (1826)
Beethoven: Opus 130: Streichquartett Nr. 13 in B-Dur (1825)
Beethoven: Opus 59 Nr. 2: Streichquartett Nr. 8 in e-Moll (1806)
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Kaikki tätini lemmikit / All My Aunt's Pets |
Iiti Yli-Rinne | Finland 2018 | Documentary, Animation | 4 min
TFF: "Aunt’s life does not go as planned. Best of intentions do not always suffice. Animation documentary of my aunt’s baffling pet history."
"Tädin elämä ei suju suunnitelmien mukaan, eivätkä parhaatkaan aikeet aina riitä. Animaatiodokumentti tätini kummallisesta lemmikkihistoriasta." (TFF)
AA: Stop motion cut-out animation of aunt's wacko pet history including birds, cats, dogs, fish, and turtles.
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Siivooja / Cleaning Woman. Elina Knihtilä as the deranged cleaning woman. |
Teemu Nikki | Finland 2018 | Fiction | 17 min
TFF: "When author Katariina Ohtola decides on a change, the services of a publisher, a reporter and a cleaning woman are called for."
"Kun kirjailija Katariina Ohtola päättää aikaansaada muutoksen, tarvitaan avuksi kustantajan, toimittajan ja siivoojan palveluita." (TFF)
AA: A horror story in Stephen King territory. A deranged cleaning woman thinks that an award-winning writer has stolen her life and decides to retaliate by stealing hers.
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