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Tee se itse -elämä: Combat Rockin tarina. The end is near for Combat Rock Shop in 2016. Jani Koskinen kept it going against all odds. But the end is also a beginning. |
Tampere Film Festival (TFF): National Competition 5
7.3. THU/TO 18:30 | PLEVNA 2
Language/kieli: Eng, Fin
D: Janne Tanskanen, Ville Asikainen | Finland 2018 | Documentary | 78 min
Punk acts featured: Manifesto Jukebox, Haloo Helsinki, Lama, The Heartburns, Valse Triste, Euthanasea, Aurinkokerho, Endstand, Phoenix Foundation, Atom Notes, Wasted, I Walk The Line, The Soundkeeper, Presley Bastards, Lighthouse Project, Unkind, Abduktio, Kuudes Silmä, Kakka-Hätä 77.
Interviewees: Jani Koskinen, Janne Tamminen, Ville Rönkkö, Toni Salminen, Miikka Järvinen, Ville Angervuori, Anne Pirkola, Jere Lehmus, Teemu Bergman, Leo Harrison.
Graphic design: Ville Angervuori. Animation: Janne Tanskanen.
The title Combat Rock is a hommage to the Clash album of 1982.
TFF: "A documentary movie about passion, do-it-yourself spirit, anxiety of small town teenagers and life changes brought on by adulthood. The story is told through a Finnish punk rock record label, Combat Rock Industry, which became one of the most significant ones operating in the 00’s."
"Dokumenttielokuva intohimosta, omaehtoisesta tekemisestä, pikkukaupungin ahdistavuudesta, punk-ideologiasta ja aikuisuuden tuomista elämänmuutoksista. Tarina kerrotaan 2000-luvun merkittävimmän suomalaisen punk-levy-yhtiön Combat Rock Industryn kautta." (TFF)
AA: A priceless documentary of a Finnish 2000s neo-punk phenomenon. Combat Rock Industry was a record label representing a powerful array of new punk bands. Many records were published, and the bands toured extensively all around Finland and Europe. The film is rich with interviews and tour performances. It is a remarkable oral history project about a team spirit. Young people were launched at an early stage to international careers, to see the world. A consistent visual design was created by Ville Angervuori both for the record label and the movie at hand.
Fifteen years ago, in 2004, the record label and the record shop hit the brick wall as sales crashed all over the world due to internet access. Jani Koskinen struggled with Combat Rock Shop until 2016 when he gave up but instantly found a young successor.
I like the energy, the spirit, and the jovial and affectionate approach of this refreshing rockumentary.
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