Tuesday, March 31, 1998

So Dark the Night

028451 / 16 / US / 1946 / Lewis, Joseph H. / thriller
So Dark the Night / Pimeä oli yö. © Columbia. P: Ted Richmond. D: Joseph H. Lewis. SC: Martin Berkeley, Dwight Babcock - based on the story by Aubrey Wisberg. DP: Burnett Guffey. CAST: Steven Geray (Henri Cassin), Micheline Cheirel (Nanette Michaud), Eugene Borden (Pierre Michaud). 70’. B&w Academy. MPAA 11451. A 16mm Screen Gems TV print viewed in Helsinki, SEA, Cinema Orion, Tuesday 31 March 1998. ** A routine thriller made on a shoestring budjet with unexciting performers.

Viimeinen koulupäivä

A-027850 / G / FI / 1998 / Naukkarinen, Lasse / documentary
Viimeinen koulupäivä. PC+ DIST: Ilokuva, Naukkarinen & Co. D: Lasse Naukkarinen. 16mm. 30’. Viewed in Helsinki, VET, Tuesday 31 March 1998.

Monday, March 30, 1998

U.S. Marshals

100674 / 16 / US / 1998 / Baird, Stuart / / action
U.S. Marshals / Takaa-ajajat. © Warner Bros. P: Arnold Kopelson, Anne Kopelson. D: Stuart Baird. DP: Andrzej Bartkowiak. CAST: Tommy Lee Jones (Chief Deputy Marshal Sam Gerard), Wesley Snipes (Mark Sheridan), Irène Jacob (Marie). 133’. 1,85. MPAA 35906. PG-13. Finnish / Swedish subtitles: Timo Porri. DIST: Warner Bros. Finland. Viewed in Helsinki, VET, Monday 30 March 1998. *** Sequel to The Fugitive (1993). - The director Stuard Baird made an excellent and surprising action film, Executive Decision, a few years ago. Compared to those two this is just a well-produced roller-coaster ride.

The Game

100673 / 12 / US / 1997 / Fincher, David / / thriller
Game, The / - oletko valmis peliin? © PolyGram. D: David Fincher. SC: John Brancato, Michael Ferris. DP: Harris Savides. CAST: Michael Douglas (Nicholas Van Orton), Sean Penn (Conrad Van Orton), Deborah Kara Unger (Christine). 128’. Scope. MPAA 35106. R = 17. Finnish / Swedish subtitles: Hannele Vahtera. DIST: Buena Vista International Finland. Viewed in Helsinki, VET, Monday 30 March 1998. *** Extremely well-produced thriller which, however gets too tricky. All involvement is lost.

Saturday, March 28, 1998

The Tall Men

044242 / 12 / US / 1955 / Walsh, Raoul / / western
Tall Men, The / Taipumattomat miehet. © 20th Century-Fox. D: Raoul Walsh. SC: Sydney Boehm, Frank S. Nugent - based on the novel by Heck Allen. DP: Leo Tover. M: Victor Young. ”The Tall Men” sung by Jane Russell. CAST: Clark Gable (Ben Allison), Jane Russell (Nella Turner), Robert Ryan (Nathan Stark), Cameron Mitchell (Clint Allison). 122’. De Luxe colour, CinemaScope. MPAA 7476. TV Nelonen PAL transmission on Saturday afternoon 28 March 1998: in sawed-to-half ratio, with Finnish subtitles by Simo Tikka / Movision, with commercial breaks. Caught later on VHS. *** ”Montana territory 1866. They came from the South, headed for the goldfields… A story of tall men - and long shadows”. Ben and Clint, the desperate brothers from Texas, are about to rob the wily moneyman of Montana, Nathan Stark, but he persuades them to become partners, instead, in the business of driving 5000 heads of cattle from Texas to Montana. They face every adversity: Oglala Indians, jayhawkers, harsh winter in the mountains, and wild rivers. Ben and Nathan also battle for the woman, Nella. This is a ”tall story”, told with a sense of humour by Walsh. On TV the film loses its epic grandeur.

Frida - naturaleza viva

096010 / 12 / MX / 1984 / Leduc Rosenzweig, Paul / biography
Frida - naturaleza viva / Frida. PC: Clasa Films Mundiales. D: Paul Leduc Rosenzweig. SC: José Joaquin Blanco, Paul Leduc Rosenzweig. DP: Angel Goded. CAST: Ofelia Medina (Frida Kahlo), Juan José Gurrola (Diego Rivera), Salvador Sánchez (David Alfaro Siqueiros), Max Kerlow (Lev Trotski), Claudio Brook (Father Kahlo). 107’. Colour, Academy. A worn, faded print from SEA / Gaudeamus Elokuva with Finnish / Swedish subtitles by Tarja Härkönen / Eirik Udd viewed in Helsinki, Cinema Orion, Saturday 28 March 1998. *** A series of vignettes follow the life of Frida Kahlo from the horrible accident she experienced as a little girl to her funeral: the loving father, the womanizing Diego Rivera, the national and international politics, the relationship with Trotsky, the Lesbian affections, et cetera. Everywhere there are mirrors. Frida Kahlo’s paintings are prominently displayed (but suffer here from the color definition of the print). The soundtrack is a stirring, first rate melange of period hits, Mexican traditional songs, opera, and political marches. Even Sibelius (The Swan of Tuonela) is included. And as Frida enters the opening of her exhibition on a stretcher, she has a theme song being sung. Please tell me where to get the CD and I’ll buy it at once.

Thursday, March 26, 1998

Fallen Angel

026707 / 16 / US / 1946 / Preminger, Otto / / thriller
Fallen Angel / Langennut enkeli. © 20th Century-Fox. P+D: Otto Preminger. SC: Harry Kleiner - based on the novel by Marty Holland. DP: Joseph LaShelle. ”Slowly” by David Raksin, Kermit Goell. CAST: Alice Faye (June Mills), Dana Andrews (Eric Stanton), Linda Darnell (Stella), Charles Bickford (Mark Judd), Ann Revere (Clara Mills), John Carradine (Professor Madley). 97’. B&w Academy. MPAA 10940. Extremely beautiful print viewed in Helsinki, SEA, Cinema Orion, Thursday 26 March 1998. **** A lyrical thriller focusing on the shifting tensions between the main characters. Eric Stanton is thrown out of the night bus in the small town of Stanton between Los Angeles and San Francisco. He gets mixed up in a web of intrigue, and has himself to blame for the results. There is little action, but the gliding, flying camera keeps it all visually exciting. The dialogue is brilliant.

Jenseits der Stille / Beyond Silence

Caroline Link: Jenseits der Stille / Beyond Silence (DE 1996) starrig Sylvie Testud.

100667 / G / DE / 1996 / Link, Caroline / / drama
Jenseits der Stille / Beyond Silence / Hiljaisuuden takana. © Claussen + Wöbke Filmproduktion; Roxy Film. D: Caroline Link. DP: Gernot Roll. Klezmer music: Niki Reiser. ”Elokim eli ata”. Clarinet by Claudio Puntin, Michael Heisler. CAST: Sylvie Testud, Tatjana Trieb, Howie Seago, Emmanuelle Laborit. 113’. Colour, 1,66. DIST: Kamras Film Group. Viewed in Helsinki, Bio City, Thursday 26 March 1998. **** A beautiful film about the musically talented daughter of deaf parents. This story really cares about its characters and their relationships. It is about growing up and becoming independent, and at the same time about caring for others and learning one’s way to self-expression through art. The film is made with simple but true means. A large part of the film is communicated via sign language, like in Children Of a Lesser God; this is a much better film.

Valkoinen taivas

A-027848 / G / FI / 1998 / Helke, Susanna etc. / documentary
Valkoinen taivas / ((((( ((((. © Kinotar. P: Lasse Saarinen. D+SC+ED: Susanna Helke, Virpi Suutari. DP: Tuomo Virtanen. Featuring: Igor Maljukov, Natalia Maljukova, Katja Maljukova. Filmed in Monchegorsk on the Kola Peninsula. 56’. Colour, 1,85. In Russian with Finnish subtitles by Jussi Väntänen. DIST: Kinotar. Viewed in Helsinki, VET, Steenbeck, Thursday 26 March 1998. ** An intimate portrait about life in the middle of ecocatastrophe.

Porn video watch, 26 March 1998

Gier nach Doppel-Lust
R-003485 / 18 / DE / / Holder, Marc / / pornography
Gier nach Doppel-Lust. © ZBF. Released by Videorama. D: Holder, Marc. CAST: Andrea Poweri, Antonia Tower, Dragan Bektiar, Ivor Tonic. 118’ PAL. VHS projection for police investigation in Helsinki, VET, Thursday 26 March 1998.

Piss Society
R-003016 / 18 / / / / / pornography
Piss Society. © DBM. Undercover. 89’ PAL. VHS projection for police investigation in Helsinki, VET, Thursday 26 March 1998.

Blondes With Great Asses
R-003530 / 18 / US / 1990 / / / pornography
Blondes With Great Asses. © Raunch-O-Rama. CAST: Sasha Strange, Peter North, Carol Cummings, Jessica Hawn, Fetish, Blondee Bee. 116’ PAL. VHS projection for police investigation in Helsinki, VET, Thursday 26 March 1998. - Anal clips.

R-003537 / 18 / US / 1989 / Der Meer, G.V. / / pornography
Breathless. © Cinderella / CDI Home Video. Released by Razzel Video / Sandbergs Video. D: G.V. Der Meer. CAST: Deborah Diamond, Busty Belle, Marc Wallice, Staci Lords, Randy West, Charli. 84’ PAL. VHS projection for police investigation in Helsinki, VET, Thursday 26 March 1998.

Amatööri Video 1
R-003569 / 18 / FI / 1996 / Jylhä, Mikko / / pornography
Amatööri Video 1. PC: Calbourne Trading. Released by Banana Production. D: Mikko Jylhä. CAST: Ilona, Virpi, Leena, Kylli, Sepi, Martin. 81’ PAL. VHS projection for police investigation in Helsinki, VET, Thursday 26 March 1998. - The models are over 18.

The Master Of Pleasure
R-003571 / 18 / US / 1988 / Bone, John T. / / pornography
Master Of Pleasure, The. © VIDCO. D: John T. Bone. CAST: Samantha Strong, John Leslie, Kim Christie, Billy Dee, Mike Horner. 74’ PAL. VHS projection for police investigation in Helsinki, VET, Thursday 26 March 1998.

Rasierte Nymphen
R-001334 / 18 / DE / / / / pornography
Rasierte Nymphen. © MTC. A Magma release. CAST: Francoise, Colette, Nadja, Janette. 99’ PAL. VHS projection for police investigation in Helsinki, VET, Thursday 26 March 1998. - The models are over 18.

Dirty Women
R-000433 / 18 / DE / / Svensson, Carl / / pornography
Dirty Women. © ZBF. Released by Viola Film. D: Svensson, Carl. CAST: Barbara Miller, Jayne Horseman, Mary Jones. 91’ PAL. VHS projection for police investigation in Helsinki, VET, Thursday 26 March 1998. - Indulging in vinyl and drinking urine. No actual assault or battery.

Miss Italy
R-001077 / 18 / DE / / Dino / / pornography
Miss Italy. © Dolly Buster Video Entertainment. D: Dino. CAST: Dolly Buster, Roberto Malone, Laura Butt, Yves Le Castel. 88’ PAL. VHS projection for police investigation in Helsinki, VET, Thursday 26 March 1998.

Gummiklinik Frau Dr. Monteil 2
R-000724 / 18 / DE / / Ditt, Axel / / pornography
Gummiklinik Frau Dr. Monteil 2. © ZBF. Released by Viola Film. D: Axel Ditt. CAST: Francoise Monteil, Monika Elfe, Jayne Horsman, Carl Klein, Barbara Miller. 83’ PAL. VHS projection for police investigation in Helsinki, VET, Thursday 26 March 1998. - Bondage, fetishism, and urine drinking. No assault or battery.

Supergeile Fesselspiele
R-001596 / 18 / DE / / / / pornography
Supergeile Fesselspiele. © Ekstase Video. 81’ PAL. VHS projection for police investigation in Helsinki, VET, Thursday 26 March 1998. - Bondage. No assault or battery.

Countdown der Perversion
R-000377 / 18 / DE / / / / pornography
Countdown der Perversion / Countdown der Perversionen. © Power Video. CAST: Laura Donovan, Jenny Hartley, Reny Silver, Peter Bax, Jo Keppler. 86’ PAL. VHS projection for police investigation in Helsinki, VET, Thursday 26 March 1998.

Extrem versaut 13
R-002858 / 18 / DE / 1993 / / / pornography
Extrem versaut 13. © VTO. 84’ PAL. VHS projection for police investigation in Helsinki, VET, Thursday 26 March 1998. - Rubber fetishism, whippings by a Domina, and nipple pinchers. A chained man is penetrated anally with a huge stick. The whippings leave visible marks. A borderline case: no sufficient evidence for a case of assault or battery.

Gummiklinik Frau Dr. Monteil 1
R-000723 / 18 / DE / / Ditt, Axel / / pornography
Gummiklinik Frau Dr. Monteil 2. © ZBF. Released by Viola Film. D: Axel Ditt. CAST: Francoise Monteil, Monika Elfe, Sandra Einsvoorf, Carl Klein, Yvonne Doyet. 83’ PAL. VHS projection for police investigation in Helsinki, VET, Thursday 26 March 1998. - Rubber fetishism, bondage and urine drinking. No assault or battery involved.

Wednesday, March 25, 1998

Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye

/ / US / 1950 / Douglas, Gordon / gangster
Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye / Jäähyväiset huomiselle. © Cagney Productions. A Warner Bros. release. P: William Cagney. D: Gordon Douglas. SC: Harry Brown - based on the novel (1948) by Horace McCoy. DP: J. Peverell Marley. CAST: James Cagney (Ralph Cotter), Barbara Payton (Holiday Carleton), Helena Carter (Margaret Dobson), Ward Bond (Inspector Weber), Luther Adler (Cherokee Mandon). Sources: 102’. Duration of screening: 98’. B&w Academy. MPAA 14661. Horribly disfigured 16mm print viewed in Helsinki, SEA, Cinema Orion, Wednesday 25 March 1998. **** This film has been previously seen in Finland only on cable and on the satellite. - The furious gangster film gives us James Cagney at his manic best as the unstoppable outlaw who breaks from a high security labor camp, infiltrates the police and is about to get married with the daughter of Mr. Big. It is a high voltage James Cagney show, not particularly harmed by the impersonal touch of the director.

Porn video watch, 25 March 1998

John Stagliano: Rock'n'Roll Heaven (US 1989) starring Rene Morgan, Keisha, Fifi Bardot, Jeannie Pepper, Sasha, Cheri Taylor, Jessica Bogart, Stacy Lords, Sharon Kane, John Further, Woop, Chris Hager, Punky Peru, Jesse Adams, Brandy Alexandre, Tom Byron, Gene Carrera, Donnie Dixon, Alex Horn, Jeff James, Brockton O'Toole, Don S. and Randy Spears.

Scharfe Lesbo-Miezen
R-002933 / 18 / DE /  / Sorel, Tonia /  / pornography
Scharfe Lesbo-Miezen. © ZBF. Released by SVK-Copy / Videorama. D: Tonia Sorel. CAST: Sonia Port, Lena Titi, Paola Sellion, Lisa Trimi. 115’ PAL. VHS projection for police investigation in Helsinki, VET, Wednesday 25 March 1998.

Brassiere To Eternity
R-002969 / 18 / US / 1994 / Spinelli, Mitchell / pornography
Brassiere To Eternity. © Pepper Productions. Released by Scala B.V. / Videorama. D: Mitchell Spinelli. CAST: Kaylan Nicole, Juli Astin, Isis Nile, Sahara Sands. 143’ PAL. Dutch subtitles. VHS projection for police investigation in Helsinki, VET, Wednesday 25 March 1998. - Lesbian.

Grenzbereich 5 - friss Scheisse du Sau!
R-002975 / 18 / DE /  / Moneto, Manni /  / pornography
Grenzbereich 5 - friss Scheisse du Sau!. PC: Szene X Grenzbereich. D: Manni Moneto. 96’ PAL. VHS projection for police investigation in Helsinki, VET, Wednesday 25 March 1998. - Wallowing in excrement and urine, with milk and potato salad added. No actual assault or battery.

Legendary Clips 12
R-002977 / 18 /  /  /  /  / pornography
Legendary Clips 12. Released by Razzel Video / Sandbergs Video. 60’ PAL. VHS projection for police investigation in Helsinki, VET, Wednesday 25 March 1998. - Lesbian clips.

Schoolgirls Holiday 1
R-003024 / 18 /  /  /  /  / pornography
Schoolgirls Holiday 1. Released by Razzel Video / Sandbergs Video. 69’ PAL. VHS projection for police investigation in Helsinki, VET, Wednesday 25 March 1998. - The schoolgirls are over 18.

Freshman Fantasies
R-003030 / 18 / US / 1986 / Leon, Michael /  / pornography
Freshman Fantasies. © Marathon Films. Released by Pan Pacific Distributors / Apple Video. D: Michael Leon. CAST: Matthew Wilde, Cody Ray, Eric Stauff, Dave Martin. 88’ PAL. VHS projection for police investigation in Helsinki, VET, Wednesday 25 March 1998. - Gay.

R-003038 / 18 / US / 1988 / Jeffries, Frank /  / pornography
Crazed. © Adam and Company. Released by GERO Video. D: Frank Jeffries. CAST: Rod Lance, Randy Cochran, J.D. Slater, Mike Rock. 84’ PAL. VHS projection for police investigation in Helsinki, VET, Wednesday 25 March 1998. - Gay.

Rock’n’Roll Heaven
R-003073 / 18 / US / 1989 / Stagliano, John /  / pornography
Rock’n’Roll Heaven. © Evil Angel. Released by Filmbox AB. D: John Stagliano. CAST: Woop, Renee Morgan, Keisha, Fe Fe Bardot. 92’ PAL. Swedish subtitles. VHS projection for police investigation in Helsinki, VET, Wednesday 25 March 1998.

Hurts So Good
R-003110 / 18 / US / 1991 / James, Rex /  / pornography
Hurts So Good. © Video Exclusives. Released by Cal Vista. D: Rex James. CAST: Savannah, Frenchie, Rustie Rhodes, Deja, Cal Jammer, Sean Michaels. 73’ PAL. VHS projection for police investigation in Helsinki, VET, Wednesday 25 March 1998.

Kotikuvaukset 1997 - sexiä
R-003112 / 18 /  / 1997 /  /  / pornography
Kotikuvaukset 1997 - sexiä. 29’ PAL. VHS projection for police investigation in Helsinki, VET, Wednesday 25 March 1998. - Amateur solo performance by a young woman who may be from Russia.

Fick-Sahne Shakes
R-003124 / 18 / DE /  / Palm, Joerg /  / pornography
Fick-Sahne Shakes. © ZBF. Released by Videorame - Spezial Abgespritzt. D: Joerg Palm. CAST: Linda Times, Shone Stones, Rea Corner, Angy Topp. 115’ PAL. VHS projection for police investigation in Helsinki, VET, Wednesday 25 March 1998.

Extrem pervers 32
R-003125 / 18 / DE /  /  /  / pornography
Extrem pervers 32. © DBM. Undercover. CAST: Mary Boobs, Geraldine Santos, Richard Prick, Larry Holmes.. 86’ PAL. VHS projection for police investigation in Helsinki, VET, Wednesday 25 March 1998. - Wallowing in extrement and urine. No actual assault or battery.

R-003372 / 18 / DE /  / Tipop, Antony /  / pornography
Schoko-Stecher. © ZBF. Released by SVK-Copy / Videorama. D: Antony Tipop. CAST: Sandy Berge, Pamela Prown, Sibille Crown, Pete Coren, Tim Surer. 115’ PAL. VHS projection for police investigation in Helsinki, VET, Wednesday 25 March 1998.

Blue Magic
R-003379 / 18 / US / 1981 / Revene, Larry /  / pornography
Blue Magic. © Lunarex / Quality X. Released by Image Video / VTO. D: Larry Revene. CAST: Jack Wrangler, Candida Royalle, Samantha Fox, Ron Hudd, Veronica Hart. 69’ PAL. VHS projection for police investigation in Helsinki, VET, Wednesday 25 March 1998.

Handy Randy Guys
R-003421 / 18 / US / 1984 /  /  / pornography
Handy Randy Guys. © Le Salon International. 44’ PAL. VHS projection for police investigation in Helsinki, VET, Wednesday 25 March 1998. - Gay clips.

Falcon Pac 23
R-003425 / 18 / US / 1983 /  /  / pornography
Falcon Pac 23. © Falcon Studios. Released by Le Salon International / Videorama. 60’ PAL. VHS projection for police investigation in Helsinki, VET, Wednesday 25 March 1998. - Gay clips.

Deadly Blows
R-003428 / 18 / US / 1982 / Jai /  / pornography
Deadly Blows. © Le Salon International. D: Jai. CAST: Jeff Blacké, Ric Starr, Duro Sudd, Peggy P, Vicki D. 44’ PAL. VHS projection for police investigation in Helsinki, VET, Wednesday 25 March 1998. - Gay.

Tales Of the Backside
R-003435 / 18 / US / 1985 / Hollander, Bobby / pornography
Tales Of the Backside / Hautnah von hinten… © VCR. Released by Video DAX / Sandbergs Video. D: Bobby Hollander. CAST: Lili Marlene, Jessie Adams, Kelley Andrews, Linda Mallin, Joey Horner, Tom Byron. 89’ PAL. Finnish subtitles. VHS projection for police investigation in Helsinki, VET, Wednesday 25 March 1998.

Greif meine Titten
R-003440 / 18 / DE /  / Parker, Jonathan / pornography
Greif meine Titten. © ZBF. Released by Videorama / Big Tits Special. D: Jonathan Parker. CAST: Sandy Town, Bopa Torr, Bess Klein, Tom Prei, John Bold. 115’ PAL. VHS projection for police investigation in Helsinki, VET, Wednesday 25 March 1998.

Phone Sex Girls - Australia
R-003443 / 18 / AU / 1989 / Bone, John T. /  / pornography
Phone Sex Girls - Australia / Australian Phone Sex. © Down Under Productions. Released by Razzel Video / Sandbergs Video. D: John T. Bone. CAST: Kelly Blue, Deidre Holland, Alice Springs, Randy West, Jon Dough. 73’ PAL. Finnish subtitles. VHS projection for police investigation in Helsinki, VET, Wednesday 25 March 1998.

Gang Bang
R-003445 / 18 / US / 1985 / Stagliano, John /  / pornography
Gang Bang / Gang Bangs 1. © VCR. Released by Video DAX / Bestseller. D: John Stagliano. CAST: Erica Boyer, Christy Canyon, Susan Hart, Bruce Seven, Peter North. 90’ PAL. Finnish subtitles. VHS projection for police investigation in Helsinki, VET, Wednesday 25 March 1998.

Lovin’ Spoonfuls
R-001558 / 18 / US / 1987 /  /  / pornography
Lovin’ Spoonfulls [sic] / Lovin’ Spoonfuls / Sperma-Flut. © 4Play. Released by Video DAX / Bestseller. Hosted by Blondi. 85’ PAL. Finnish subtitles. VHS projection for police investigation in Helsinki, VET, Wednesday 25 March 1998. - Cum shot compilation.

Excuse Me… 2
R-003447 / banned / NL /  /  /  / pornography
Excuse Me… 2. © Seventeen. Released by Razzel Video / Sandbergs Video. CAST: Henry Harry. 178’ PAL. VHS projection for police investigation in Helsinki, VET, Wednesday 25 March 1998. - Models under 18.

Ghostly Love
R-003473 / 16 / HK / 1990 / Wu Kwo Rem /  / erotic ghost story
Ghostly Love. © TVB. Released by Eastern Heroes Video. D: Wu Kwo Rem. CAST: Hui Tien Chee, Emily Chu, Lam Wei, Lung Tien Hsia. 94’ PAL. In Cantonese, with Mandarin and English subtitles. BBFC: 18. VHS projection for police investigation in Helsinki, VET, Wednesday 25 March 1998.

Tuesday, March 24, 1998

Calzonzin inspector

092842 / 16 / MX / 1973 / Arau, Alfonso / / satire
Calzonzin inspector. © Estudio Churubusco Azteca. D: Alfonso Arau. Based on the play Revizor by Nikolai Gogol. DP: Jorge Stahl, Jr. M: Leonardo Velazquez. CAST: Alfonso Arau (Calzonzin), Pancho Cordoba (Don Perpetue), Carolina Barret (Doña Pamposa), Virma Gonzales (Enedina). Sources: 83’. Duration of screening: 91’. Colour, scope. Beautiful print with English subtitles viewed in Helsinki, SEA, Cinema Orion, Tuesday 24 March 1998. *** This belongs to the best Gogol adaptations with Shinelj (Kozintsev and Trauberg), La maschera del demonio (Mario Bava) and Vij (Aleksandr Ptushko) - but the one above all is still the Ukrainian Vetshir nakanune Ivana Kupala (Juri Iljenko). - This is a frantic, absurd farce. The director himself portrays the drunken Indian whom the corrupt village believes to be the feared, cunning Inspector. Produced on a big budget, the film boasts several spectacular scenes. Perhaps a bit less of the good thing would have been even more wonderful.

Porn video watch, 24 March 1998

Geile Rosenkavaliere
100662 / 18 / DE / 1998 / Bridge, Roy / / pornography
Geile Rosenkavaliere. © MTC. Released by Magma. D: Roy Bridge. CAST: Sarina, Evamaria, Katalin, David, Zoltan. 85’ PAL. DIST: Moneypenny AB. VHS projection in Helsinki, VET, Tuesday 24 March 1998.

Unbekannte Fick Objekte Alarm
100663 / 18 / DE / 1998 / Powers, Jim / / pornography
Unbekannte Fick Objekte Alarm / UFO Alarm. © MTC. Released by Magma. D: Jim Powers. CAST: Missy, Tabitha Stevens, Suductions, Sofia Ferrari. 77’ PAL. DIST: Moneypenny AB. VHS projection in Helsinki, VET, Tuesday 24 March 1998.

Spritzgeil & fickfreudig
100664 / 18 / DE / 1998 / Moore, Nicholas / pornography
Spritzgeil & fickfreudig. © MTC. Released by Magma. D: Nicholas Moore. CAST: Rossawa Doll, Nikita, Stefania Sartori. 81’ PAL. DIST: Moneypenny AB. VHS projection in Helsinki, VET, Tuesday 24 March 1998.

Sylvana - Lady Of Lust & Passion
100665 / 18 / DE / 1998 / Moli / / pornography
Sylvana - Lady Of Lust & Passion. © MTC. Released by Magma. D: Moli. CAST: Lea Martini, Steffani Brindisi, Kathy Divine. 81’ PAL. DIST: Moneypenny AB. VHS projection in Helsinki, VET, Tuesday 24 March 1998.

Spritzige Party
R-0002610 / 18 / DE / / Goldwin / / pornography
Spritzige Party. PC: Gentleman Video Vision. Goldwin. 87’ PAL. VHS projection for police investigation in Helsinki, VET, Tuesday 24 March 1998. A trailer compilation.

Nymphomane Arschsau
R-002612 / 18 / DE / / Black Edition / / pornography
Nymphomane Arschsau. PC: Black Edition. 45’ PAL. VHS projection for police investigation in Helsinki, VET, Tuesday 24 March 1998. Wallowing in excrement, drinking urine, fist fucking; no actual assault or battery.

Naked Afternoon
R-001164 / 18 / US / 1976 / Goldberg, Alan B. / pornography
Naked Afternoon / Nymphoman und hemmungslos / Liebe am Nachmittag. © Westwood Films. Released by Tabu Video. D: Alan B. Goldberg. CAST: Abigail Clayton, John Leslie Dupre, Anette Haven, Sarah Mills, Kenny Cotton. 64’ PAL. VHS projection for police investigation in Helsinki, VET, Tuesday 24 March 1998.

This Is America 2
088520 / 18 / US / 1980 / Vanderbes, Romano / mondo
This Is America 2 / Tämä on Amerikka 2. © International Talent Marketing. D: Romano Vanderbes. 100’ PAL. A copy of the 1982 video release by American-European Films / Starvideo. Finnish / Swedish subtitles. VHS projection for police investigation in Helsinki, VET, Tuesday 24 March 1998. Includes an actual execution in an electric chair presented as entertainment. - There are several versions circulating of this title. The copy on hand is somewhat shortened. The cuts for the Finnish release were ordered by the Supreme Court of Administration in 1981.

Sinderella 1
R-000327 / 18 / US / 1992 / Thomas, Paul / / pornography
Sinderella 1 / Cinderella / Syntinen Tuhkimo. © Vivid Video. Released by Joker / Avidium. D: Paul Thomas. CAST: Savannah, Raquel Darian, P.J. Sparxx, Randy Spears. 74’ PAL. Finnish subtitles. VHS projection for police investigation in Helsinki, VET, Tuesday 24 March 1998.

Bizarre Desire… Behind Private Doors
R-000166 / 18 / DE / 1990 / Videorama / / pornography
Bizarre Desire… Behind Private Doors. Aus der Serie Bizarre Hausfrauen. © Videorama. CAST: Dietmar Wileder, Norbert Schwarzbär, Marion Prax, Mareike Op De Keer. 70’ PAL. Finnish subtitles. VHS projection for police investigation in Helsinki, VET, Tuesday 24 March 1998.

R-002619 / 18 / US / 1994 / Lincoln, F.J. / / pornography
Submission / Lydnad. © Wicked Pictures. A Max’s release. D: F.J. Lincoln. CAST: Chasey Lain, Jon Dough, Sahara Sands, Tiffany Mynx, Shelby Stevens, Randy West. 83’ PAL. Swedish subtitles. VHS projection for police investigation in Helsinki, VET, Tuesday 24 March 1998.

19 And Nasty
R-002621 / 18 / US / 1990 / Fox, Scotty / / pornography
19 And Nasty / 19 år och olydig!. © Moonlight Entertainment. Released by Bestseller. D: Scotty Fox. CAST: Lauren Hall, Mike Horner, Brigitte Monroe, Randy Spears, Sabrina Dawn. 75’ PAL. Swedish subtitles. VHS projection for police investigation in Helsinki, VET, Tuesday 24 March 1998.

Seventeen 4
R-002641 / banned / NL / 1989 / Seventeen / / pornography
Seventeen 4 / Channel 17 - Seventeen 4. © Coer Est. Scala B.V. / Videorama. 63’ PAL. VHS projection for police investigation in Helsinki, VET, Tuesday 24 March 1998. - The models are under 18.

Mystic Museum
R-002662 / 18 / US / 1990 / Lee, Edward / / pornography
Mystic Museum. © Infinity Video. Released by SVD (Tampere). D: Edward Lee. CAST: Hans Mueller, Lon Flexx, Brian Estevez, Gino Colbert. 75’ PAL. Finnish subtitles. VHS projection for police investigation in Helsinki, VET, Tuesday 24 March 1998.

Gummi pervers
R-000727 / 18 / DE / / Black Edition / / pornography
Gummi pervers. © Black Edition. 43’ PAL. VHS projection for police investigation in Helsinki, VET, Tuesday 24 March 1998. Rubber masks, geisha balls, feces eating. No actual assault or battery.

R-002683 / 18 / US / 1991 / Davis, Mike / / pornography
Assinine / Mitt i stjärten. © Hole In One / Rectum Wreckers. Released by Metro-Film of Sweden. D: Mike Davis. CAST: Tabbetha Foxx, Johnny Angel, Tawnee, Don Fernando, T.T. Boy. 73’ PAL. Swedish subtitles. VHS projection for police investigation in Helsinki, VET, Tuesday 24 March 1998.

Erotic Specials 7
R-002687 / 18 / / 1989 / / / pornography
Erotic Specials 7 / Das Superding 2. Intex B.V. / Scala B.V. / Videorama. 173’ PAL. No sound on tape. VHS projection for police investigation in Helsinki, VET, Tuesday 24 March 1998.

R-002780 / 18 / DE / / Moli / / pornography
Onanie / Onani - gör det själv. © MTC. A Magma release. D: Moli. CAST: Madeleine, Frederique, Gina, Jean, Stan. 158’ PAL. VHS projection for police investigation in Helsinki, VET, Tuesday 24 March 1998.

Das Fick-Atelier
R-002785 / 18 / DE / / Leigh, Maxwell / / pornography
Fick-Atelier, Das. PC: Goldwin - Victory Love. D: Maxwell Leigh. CAST: Genie, Melanie, Anett, Markus, Freddy. 70’ PAL. VHS projection for police investigation in Helsinki, VET, Tuesday 24 March 1998.

All Star Climax Review
R-002813 / 18 / US / 1987 / / / pornography
All Star Climax Review. © VSX Home Video. Released by Intex / Scala B.V. 61’ PAL. VHS projection for police investigation in Helsinki, VET, Tuesday 24 March 1998.

Beverly Hills Exposed
R-002820 / 18 / US / 1985 / McCallum, Robert / pornography
Beverly Hills Exposed. © Essex. Released by Bestseller. D: Robert McCallum. CAST: Colleen Brennan, Harry Reems, Bunny Bleu, Tamara Longley, Mindy Rae, Jerry Butler. 80’ PAL. Swedish subtitles. VHS projection for police investigation in Helsinki, VET, Tuesday 24 March 1998.

La Parisienne
V-001727 / 18 / / / Dino / / pornography
Parisienne, La. PC: Moonrise Pictures. D: Dino. CAST: Karin Schubert, Gaelle Pererra, Solange, Christoff Grosso, Rocco Siffredi. 82’ PAL. Finnish subtitles. VHS projection for police investigation in Helsinki, VET, Tuesday 24 March 1998. - This is the long version. The short 55’ version has been passed for 16.

Schulmädchen - heisse Hüpfer
R-002849 / 18 / NL / 1987 / Hansen, F. / / pornography
Schulmädchen - heisse Hüpfer. © Silwa Video. Released by Videorama / Scala B.V. D: F. Hansen. CAST: Linda Lundberg, Inga Petterson, Arne Lund, Eric Johnson. 80’ PAL. Swedish subtitles. VHS projection for police investigation in Helsinki, VET, Tuesday 24 March 1998.

Monday, March 23, 1998

Porn video watch 23 March 1998

Klaus Neumann: Geile Stuten - willige Hengste (DE 1992).

Spezialklinik Frau Doktor Kukumber Teil 3
R-002408 / 18 / DE / 1992 / Gum, Gustav / / pornography /
Spezialklinik Frau Doktor Kukumber 3. © Viola Video. Inkognito Produktions. D: Gustav Gum. CAST: Nataschka Kukumber, Schwester Karin, Pfleger Johannes, Tina Wilde. 87’ PAL. VHS projection for police investigation in Helsinki, VET, Monday 23 March 1998.

Young Girls - Best of Magma 2
R-002424 / 18 / DE / 1996 / Magma / / pornography
Young Girls - Best of Magma 2. © MTC. A Magma release. 178’ PAL. VHS projection for police investigation in Helsinki, VET, Monday 23 March 1998. A compilation involving young girls, who are, however, over 18.

Bi & Beyond
R-000143 / 18 / US / 1987 / Norman, Paul / / pornography
Bi & Beyond. PC: Paladin Video. Released by Razzelvideo / Videorama. D: Paul Norman. CAST: Jeanne Fine, Kurt Bauer, Barbie Dahl, Michael Vincent. 77’ PAL. VHS projection for police investigation in Helsinki, VET, Monday 23 March 1998. Bisexuality.

Geile Stuten - willige Hengste
R-002426 / 18 / DE / 1992 / Neumann, Klaus / pornography
Geile Stuten - willige Hengste. © MTC. D: Klaus Neumann. CAST: Anja Entinger, Hans Degen, Siggi Entinger, Mike Summer. 82’ PAL. VHS projection for police investigation in Helsinki, VET, Monday 23 March 1998.

R-001690 / 18 / DE / 1992 / Hunter, Roy / / pornography
Titten-Markler. © BB-Video. D: Roy Hunter. CAST: Jay Anja, Jeanette Ines, Alex Dieter, Jürgen Benny. 85’ PAL. VHS projection for police investigation in Helsinki, VET, Monday 23 March 1998.

Forbidden Lust
R-000618 / 18 / DE / / Alexander, Sascha / pornography
Forbidden Lust. © VTO. D: Sascha Alexander. CAST: Anne Marie Sommer, Ines Bergmann, Andre Vinouze, Jean-Pierre Armaud. 93’ PAL. VHS projection for police investigation in Helsinki, VET, Monday 23 March 1998.

Bondage Video 19
R-000240 / 18 / US / 1991 / California Star / / pornography
Bondage Video 19. © California Star. A Gold Medal release. 58’ PAL. VHS projection for police investigation in Helsinki, VET, Monday 23 March 1998.

Savage Ladies
R-001387 / 18 / / / Boss, Walt / / pornography
Savage Ladies. A Dorian McGray release. D: Walt Boss. CAST: Mona Lisa, Kristi Leigh, Nasty Heart, Stacy. 77’ PAL. VHS projection for police investigation in Helsinki, VET, Monday 23 March 1998.

Sweet Little Teeny 1 - je jünger, je geiler!
R-002512 / 18 / / / / / pornography /
Sweet Little Teeny 1 - je jünger, je geiler!. © ZBF. CAST: Simone Laboe, Juliane Duval. 85’ PAL. VHS projection for police investigation in Helsinki, VET, Monday 23 March 1998. The models are over 18.

Big Tits - Peeping Tom
R-000156 / 18 / DE / / Moli / / pornography /
Big Tits - Peeping Tom. Released by Razzel Video / Sandbergs Video. D: Moli. CAST: Susi Dewall, Pat Fuchs, Katja Gillessen, Sonja Klaes. 84’ PAL. VHS projection for police investigation in Helsinki, VET, Monday 23 March 1998.

Jumbo Tits
R-002516 / 18 / US / 1987 / Keith, David / / pornography /
Jumbo Tits. © Big Top Video. D: David Keith. CAST: Trinity Loren, Lotta Topp, The Cajun Queen, Ron Jeremy. 79’ PAL. VHS projection for police investigation in Helsinki, VET, Monday 23 March 1998.

Sunday, March 22, 1998

Der letzte Mann

013059 / G / DE / 1924 / Murnau, F.W. / / drama
Letzte Mann, Der / Viimeinen mies. PC: Ufa. EX: Erich Pommer. D: F.W. Murnau. SC: Carl Mayer. DP: Karl Freund. PD: Robert Herlth, Walter Röhrig. CAST: Emil Jannings (The Hotel Porter), Maly Delschaft (His Niece), Hans Unterkircher (The Hotel Manager). Music for live accompaniment composed by Giuseppe Becce. 2315 m /20 fps/ 101’. Silent b&w. There are several original versions of this film. - Yleisradio TV2 PAL transmission at midnight on 22 March 1998 of a ZDF reconstruction from 1983 by Gerd Luft and Jürgen Labenski, with a score by Giuseppe Becce and Werner Schmidt-Boelcke, based on a print from Münchner Filmmuseum, with Finnish subtitles by Pirkko Vikkula. Caught on Easter Sunday on VHS. **** This was the first viewing of this film for the general audience in Finland since its premiere. In the meantime, it has been a part of the basic film archive programming. - The ZDF version is complete, nothing is missing. Probably the pictorial quality has been enhanced in later restorations. The music was not bad, but I was happy to quickly turn it off. - ”All the tenants, in particular the female ones, are awed by his uniform, which, through its mere presence, seems to confer a mystic glamour upon their modest existence. They revere it as a symbol of supreme authority and are happy to be allowed to revere it” to quote Kracauer. As a storyteller Murnau is crude: he hammers home every point, overstating the obvious. As a creator of visions he still reigns supreme. His sense of composition is startling, and the space is kept alive with rain, steam, smoke, and moving reflections. The mobile camera, introduced in Scherben and Sylvester, was perfected here. The roving camera creates a sense of vertigo, which fits the theme of rise and fall - downfall and resurrection.

Friday, March 20, 1998

The Wings of the Dove

100659 / 12 / GB / 1997 / Softley, Iain / / drama
Wings of the Dove, The / Kyyhkyn siivet. © Miramax; Renaissance Dove. D: Iain Softley. SC: Hossein Amini - based on the novel (1902) by Henry James. DP: Eduardo Serra. PD: John Beard. ST: Sandy Powell. CAST: Helena Bonham Carter (Kate Croy), Linus Roache (Merton Densher), Alison Elliott (Milly Theale). 102’. Scope. DIST: Scanbox Finland. *** The novel by Henry James has never been translated into Finnish, so this is the first time this work is widely introduced in the country. - The Portrait of the Lady started the current cycle of Henry James adaptations; Washington Square is yet to be seen in Finland. The oblique style of Henry James is almost impossible to translate into cinema. The Portrait of the Lady lacked electricity. The Wings of the Dove is more moving. As I haven’t read the novel I’m not able to make comparisons, but I suspect that the more cinematic these films get the further they have to distance themselves from the novels. The strengths: the two female leads and the brilliant costume design. The weakness: the weak male lead. The final scene is very moving. But I prefer Softley’s debut film Backbeat very much to this.

Thursday, March 19, 1998

El lugar sin limites

/ / MX / 1978 / Ripstein, Arturo / / drama
Lugar sin limites, El / Hell Without Limits.
    PC: Conacine Dos. P: Francisco del Villar. D: Arturo Ripstein. SC: Arturo Ripstein, José Emilio Pachero - based on the novel by José Donoso. DP: Miguel Garzón.
    C: Roberto Cobo (La Manuela), Lucha Villa, Ana Martín, Gonzalo Vega, Julian Pastor.
    110’. Colour. Academy.
    Worn, faded print with English subtitles.
    Viewed in Helsinki, SEA, Cinema Orion, Thursday 19 March 1998.

* I was happy to leave after the first 45 minutes of the film.

It is like a canned play, taking place in a limited number of interiors, recorded by a static camera.

La Manuela is the transvestite who keeps a bordello together with his daughter La Japonita close to the border of Mexico. They are drawn to the brutal macho called Pancho.

El rincón de las vírgenes

/ / MX / 1972 / Isaac, Alberto / / drama
Rincón de las vírgenes, El / Nest of Virgins. PC: Estudios Churubusco. D+SC: Alberto Isaac - based on the short stories by Juan Rulfo. DP: Raul Martinez Solares, Daniel Savage. CAST: Alphonso Arau (Lucas Lucatero), Emilio Fernández (Anacleto Morotones), Rosalba Brambila (Leona Morones). 99’. Colour. Academy. Beautiful print with English subtitles. Viewed in Helsinki, SEA, Cinema Orion, Thursday 19 March 1998. *** I missed the first 10 minutes of the film. - The story takes place in the 1920s. A picaresque story of charlatans, this is a feast for the eyes. Bathing in glorious sunshine, the film consists of opulent visual scenes. Very sensual, and well acted.

Ulee's Gold

Victor Nunez: Ulee's Gold (US 1997) with Peter Fonda as Ulysses Jackson, ”Ulee”.

V-003506 / 12 / US / 1997 / Nunez, Victor / / drama
Ulee’s Gold. © Orion Pictures. P+D+SC: Victor Nunez. DP: Virgil Marcus Mirano. CAST: Peter Fonda (Ulysses Jackson, ”Ulee”), Patricia Richardson (Connie Hope), Jessica Biel (Casey Jackson). 111’. Finnish subtitles by Movision. DIST: Scanbox Finland. VHS PAL projection in Helsinki, VET, Thursday 19 March 1998. *** In Florida, independent beekeeper Ulee Jackson is in the middle of the busiest season of gathering honey from the hives. His son Jimmy is in jail, his daughter-in-law is a junkie, his wife is dead, and he has two granddaughters to take care of. Now two partners of Jimmy appear. They are after a stash of money hidden by Jimmy and threaten at least to rape the women. Peter Fonda gives a surprise performance as the sympathetic stiff redneck, just the kind of guy that was caricatured in Easy Rider. It is a fine study in integrity and moral calibre.

P.S. 26 Feb 2025. Having seen Alexander Horwath's Henry Fonda for President (AT 2024) I recognize in Ulee's Gold a tribute by Peter Fonda to his father.

Wednesday, March 18, 1998

L’Armée des ombres

079446 / 16 / FR / 1969 / Melville, Jean-Pierre / war
Armée des ombres, L’ / Tuntemattomat sankarit / Maanalainen armeija (video). PC: Films Corona (Nanterre), Fono Roma. EX: Jacques Dorfmann. P: Robert Dorfmann. D+SC: Jean-Pierre Melville - based on the novel by Joseph Kessel (1943). DP: Pierre Lhomme. AD: Théo Meurisse. CAST: Lino Ventura (Philippe Gerbier), Paul Meurisse (Luc Jardie), Simone Signoret (Mathilde), Jean-Pierre Cassel (Jean-François Jardie), Claude Mann (Le Masque), Christian Barbier (Le Bison). 143’. 1,66. Finnish / Swedish subtitles by Mindele London / Maya Vanni. Print: SEA / Kinoyhtiö - short version, colour fading in some scenes, duration: 122’. Viewed in Helsinki, SEA, Cinema Orion, Wednesday 18 March 1998. **** In Finnish cinemas, a short 122’ version of the film was released. The full version has only been seen on TV and on video. - I have never seen the full version of this film, and would rather wait for the chance of seeing it on the screen than checking the video, since this story about ”the army of the shadows” is very darkly lit. - Each of Melville’s three Resistance films - Le Silence de la mer, Léon Morin, and L’Armée des ombres - is very powerful, and they all have a new aspect to reveal. The first two are about passive resistance, and the last one, finally, about the active one, where Melville can draw on his own experience. The fact that the film so closely resembles Melville’s gangster films has been a cause for criticism. I would rather think that the gangster films have a metaphorical dimension: their sadness is based on the experience of the Occupation and the presence of Holocaust.

Tuesday, March 17, 1998

Out Of the Past

086840 / 16 / US / 1947 / Tourneur, Jacques / thriller
Out Of the Past / Menneisyyden varjot (HTV) / Varjot menneisyydestä (TV3 1987). © RKO. EX: Robert Sparks. P: Warren Duff. D: Jacques Tourneur. SC: Geoffrey Homes [= Daniel Mainwaring] [and Frank Fenton, James M. Cain] - based on the novel Build My Gallows High (1946) by Geoffrey Homes. DP: Nicholas Musuraca. AD: Albert S. D’Agostino. M: Roy Webb. Locations: Reno, Lake Tahoe, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Mexico City, Acapulco. CAST: Robert Mitchum (Jeff Bailey / Jeff Martin), Jane Greer (Kathy Moffat), Kirk Douglas (Whit Sterling), Rhonda Fleming (Meta Carson), Virginia Huston (Ann Miller). 97’. B&w Academy. MPAA Seal 12082. A fine NFTVA print. Viewed in Helsinki, SEA, Cinema Orion, Tuesday 17 March 1998. **** The first 35mm screening of this classic in Finland. Never released in this country in the cinemas nor on video, it has been previously shown at the Archive and transmitted on TV only on 16mm. - For the first time I had the chance to fully appreciate the moody poetry of Out of the Past. It is a dark, slow film, where even the daytime scenes of California invariably seem to take place under cloudy skies. Robert Mitchum gives an extremely powerful, laconic performance as Jeff Bailey, who has taken the effort to cut himself from his criminal past, but is caught again in the web of fate.

Going To Kansas City

A-027841 / 12 / FI / CA / 1997 / Mandart, Pekka / / drama
Going To Kansas City. © 3318991 Canada Inc. D: Pekka Mandart. CAST: Mikko Nousiainen, Michael Ironside, Melissa Galianos. 98’. 1,85. In English and Finnish. Finnish / Swedish subtitles by Movision. DIST: Mandart Entertainment. Viewed in Helsinki, VET, Tuesday 17 March 1998. ** The adventures of the Finnish exchange student in violent Kansas. Michael Ironside is good as the grim Sheriff and Melissa Galianos shows talent in the role as his daughter. Unfortunately, Mikko Nousiainen lacks the power it takes to carry the lead. Filmed in Québec.

Monday, March 16, 1998

Scream 2

/ / US / 1997 / Craven, Wes / / horror
Scream 2. © Miramax. D: Wes Craven. SC: Kevin Williamson. DP: Peter Deming. ”Cassandra Aria” by Danny Elfman. CAST: David Arquette, Neve Campbell, Courteney Cox. 120’. Scope. MPAA 35667. DIST: Scanbox. Pre-examination as a VHS projection in Helsinki, VET, Monday 16 March 1998. *** More of the same: knowing teenage meta-horror expertly mounted by Wes Craven with a good cast. The soundtrack is excellent.

Friday, March 13, 1998

The Man In the Iron Mask

100653 / 12 / 9 / US / 1998 / Wallace, Randall / historical adventure
Man In the Iron Mask, The / Rautanaamio. © United Artists. D: Randall Wallace. Based on the novel by Alexandre Dumas. CAST: Leonardo Di Caprio (King Louis XIV / Philippe), Gabriel Byrne (D’Artagnan), John Malkovich (Athos), Gérard Depardieu (Porthos), Jeremy Irons (Aramis), Anne Parillaud (Queen Mother Anne), Judith Godrèche (Christine). 125’. 1,85. Finnish / Swedish subtitles by Outi Kainulainen / Ditte Kronström. DIST: UIP Finland. Viewed in Helsinki, VET, Friday 13 March 1998. *** Exciting story about the last adventure of the Musketeers. I haven’t seen the versions with Douglas Fairbanks or Louis Hayward. This one is a reliable entertainment product. Historically it does not feel true, not even as a fantasy.

Thursday, March 12, 1998


Roberto Gavaldón: Macario (MX 1960) starring Ignacio Lopez Tarso as Macario.

/ / MX / 1960 / Gavaldón, Roberto / fantastique
Macario. PC: Clasa Films Mundiales. P: Armando Orive Alba. D: Roberto Gavaldón. Based on the story by B. Traven. DP: Gabriel Figueroa. M: Raúl Lavista. CAST: Ignacio Lopez Tarso (Macario), Pina Pellicer (Macario’s wife), Enrique Lucero (Death), José Galvez (The Devil), José Luis Jiménez (God). 90’. B&w Academy. Print had bad definition. Viewed in Helsinki, SEA, Cinema Orion, Thursday 12 March 1998. *** It takes places on the Day of the Dead. The poor wood-cutter has been starving as long as he can remember. As his wife gives him a whole turkey to eat he meets Death, who gives him a vision in matters of life and death. As a miracle man he gets in trouble with the Inquisition. The final confrontation takes place in Death’s hall of candles. It is an effective sequence resembling Fritz Lang’s Der müde Tod.

Karmapa - Two Ways Of Divinity

A-027840 / G / FI / 1998 / Halonen, Arto / / documentary
Karmapa - Two Ways Of Divinity / Karmapa - jumaluuden kaksi tietä. © Art Films Production. D: Arto Halonen. SC: Arto Halonen, Viliam Poltikovic. DP: Timo Heinänen, Jari Pollari. M: Vesa Mäkinen. Narration: Peter Coyote. Featuring: Dalai Lama, Zhu Xiaoming, Shamar Rinpoche. 58’. 35mm, 1,66. DIST: Art Films Production. ”The Karmapa. A high leader of Tibetan Buddhism. A living Buddha. Now there are two of them. One in Tibet, a country occupied by China. The other exiled in India.” to quote the production notes.

Wednesday, March 11, 1998


/ / MX / 1946 / Fernández, Emilio / melodrama
Enamorada / A Woman In Love. PC: Panamerica Films, S.A. D: Emilio Fernández. DP: Gabriel Figueroa. CAST: Pedro Armendáriz (General José Juan Reyes), Maria Félix (Beatriz Peñafiel), Eugenio Rossi, Fernando Fernández. 99’. B&w Academy. English subtitles by Eurofilm USA. Print had good definition, reel 4 out of synch. Duration of screening 94’. Viewed in Helsinki, SEA, Cinema Orion, Wednesday 11 March 1998. ** A brutal revolutionary general arrives in town and falls desperately in love with a fine woman. Story has resemblances with The Taming of the Shrew. The most effective sequences are based on visual composition and music: the church scenes with ”Ave Maria” and the serenade scenes with ”Malegueña salerosa”.

The Ugly

100649 / 16 / NZ / 1996 / Reynolds, Scott / / drama
Ugly, The / Ruma. © Essential Films. For New Zealand Film Commission. D: Scott Reynolds. CAST: Paolo Rotondo (Simon, the killer), Rebecca Hobbs (Karen, the psychologist), Roy Ward. 91’. 1,85. DIST: Kamras Film Group. Viewed in Helsinki, VET, Wednesday 11 March 1998. * The psychologist’s journey inside the mind of a pathological killer. Extremely stylized, this film concentrates on the mental only.

Tuesday, March 10, 1998

House of Strangers

Joseph L. Mankiewicz: House of Strangers (US 1949). Poster found on CineMaterial.com.

031703 / 16 / US / 1949 / Mankiewicz, Joseph L. / drama House of Strangers / Muukalaisten talo. © 20th Century-Fox. P: Sol C. Siegel. D: Joseph L. Mankiewicz. SC: Philip Yordan [and Joseph L. Mankiewicz, n.c.] – based on the novel I’ll Never Go There Any More by Jerome Weidman. DP: Milton Krasner. M: Daniele Amfitheatrof.
    CAST: Edward G. Robinson (Gino Monetti – father), Richard Conte (Max Monetti – son), Luther Adler (Joe Monetti – son), Efrem Zimbalist, Jr. (Tony Monetti – son), Paul Valentine (Pietro Monetti – son), Susan Hayward (Irene Bennett), Debra Paget (Maria Domenico).
    101’. B&w Academy. MPAA Seal 13652. A fine NFTVA print. Viewed in Helsinki, SEA, Cinema Orion, Tuesday 10 March 1998.

**** Since the premiere this film had not been re-released, nor transmitted on TV, nor been available on video, nor shown at the Archive before this. I saw it for the first time now. It is an extraordinary, powerful, compact drama about the fight between four brothers as their father loses grip of his banking business. It is related to The Brothers Karamazov and King Lear but has an original cinematic dynamic of its own.

Las abandonadas

/ / MX / 1944 / Fernández, Emilio / melodrama
Abandonadas, Las / Abandoned Women. PC: Films Mundiales. D: Emilio Fernández. DP: Gabriel Figueroa. CAST: Dolores del Río (Margarita Pérez), Pedro Armendáriz (Juan Gómez), Víctor Junco (Julio Cortázar / Margarito). 101’. B&w Academy. Light definition brilliant in reel 1, inconsistent during the rest of the film. English subtitles. Duration of screening 97’. Viewed in Helsinki, SEA, Cinema Orion, Tuesday 10 March 1998. ** Story of abandoned mother told with magnificent visual composition. Excellent performers and cinematography.

Monday, March 09, 1998

Mexican Non-Fiction From Pancho Villa To the Present Day

Nine non-fiction films from the collections of the Cineteca Nacional of Mexico, presented by its director, Alejandro Pelayo Rangel. Only some scattered documentaries remain from the silent era, but in them we meet the legendary revolutionary generals. Each general had a film unit, and Pancho Villa is said to have waited for the ideal lighting conditions before commanding his troops to attack. The print quality of all titles was poor. The b&w films had weak definition, and the colour of the colour films had faded. The prints were in Spanish, shown without subtitles or translation. The prints had the labels of the Filmoteca de la UNAM. Viewed in Helsinki, SEA, Cinema Orion, Monday 9 March 1998.
Entrevista Diaz - Taft (Porfirio Diaz Meets Taft, Hermanos Alva, 1909) 6’. 35mm b&w silent. One of the eldest surviving Mexican films.
Villa en Zacatecas (Pancho Villa Takes Zacatecas, 1914) 5’. 35mm b&w silent. Villa conquers the city of Zacatecas.
Banquete de Villa, Zapata y Vasconcelos (The Banquet of Pancho Villa, Emilio Zapata and Vasconcelos, 1914) 5’ 35mm b&w silent. The unique historical meeting of Villa and Zapata
Petroleo National, El (F. Gregorio Castillo, 1940) 8’. 35mm b&w. The history of oil in Mexico.
También ellos tienen illusiones (They Have Their Illusions, Too, Adolfo Garnica, 1954-1956) 15’. 16mm b&w. Two poor boys on a railway station.
Pulqueria ”La Rosita” (The Bar La Rosita, Esther Morales Gálvez, 1964) 17’. 16mm b&w. Boy & alcoholic dad.
Mural efimero (The Moment of the Mural, Raúl Kamffer, 1968) 9’. 16mm colour. Political mural in 1968.
Estrellas sobre Acapulco (Stars Over Acapulco, 1968) 2’. 16mm colour. The massacre in Mexico City in 1968.
Quinto jinete, El (The Fifth Horseman, Alfredo Gurrola, 1980) 21’. 35mm colour. A collage on pollution.

Welcome To Sarajevo

100645 / 16 / GB / 1997 / Winterbottom, Michael / drama
Welcome To Sarajevo / Tervetuloa Sarajevoon. © Channel Four Films; Miramax Films. P: Graham Broadbent, Damian Jones. D: Michael Winterbottom. SC: Franc Cottrell Boyce - based on the book Natasha’s Story by Michael Nicholson. DP: Daf Hobson. M: Adrian Johnston. CAST: Stephan Dillane (Henderson), Woody Harrelson (Flynn), Marisa Tomei (Nina), Kerry Fox (Jane Carson), Emira Nusevic (Emira). 101’. Scope. In English and Bosnian. MPAA R = 17. BBFC: 15. Sweden: 15. Finnish / Swedish subtitles by Janne Staffans. DIST: Buena Vista International Finland. Viewed in Helsinki, VET, Monday 9 March 1998. *** Sarajevo 1992 has been announced by the UN ”the 14th most dangerous place on Earth”. ITN reporter Henderson finds an orphanage near the front lines and decides to adopt Emira, one of the children. This is a stark drama about journalists keen on hot coverage while people are bleeding under their very eyes. It is also about the possibilities of true commitment.

Wag the Dog

100647 / G / US / 1997 / Levinson, Barry / / political satire
Wag the Dog / Häntä heiluttaa koiraa. © New Line Productions. P: Jane Rosenthal, Robert De Niro, Barry Levinson. D: Barry Levinson. SC: Hilary Henkin, David Mamet - based on the novel American Hero by Larry Beinhart. DP: Robert Richardson. M: Mark Knopfler. CAST: Dustin Hoffman (Stanley Motss), Robert De Niro (Conrad Brean), Anne Heche (Winifred Ames), Woody Harrelson (Sgt. William Schumann), Denis Leary (Fad King), Willie Nelson (Johnny Green). 97’. 1,85. MPAA 35158. R = 17. DIST: Warner Bros. Finland. Viewed in Helsinki, VET, Monday 9 March 1998. **** Brilliant political satire about media wizards who can manage any situation when the President’s reputation is at stake. It is 11 days to the election, and the President has been implicated in an intimate encounter with a Girl Scout. The President’s spin doctor (De Niro) hires a major Hollywood producer (Hoffman) to manage an international crisis with Albania where the President has several opportunities to show off. The story is brisk and devilish, and the dialogue is so full of sharp jokes that one has to see the film a few more times to fully enjoy them.

Friday, March 06, 1998

Straw Dogs

080285 / 18 / GB / 1971 / Peckinpah, Sam / / thriller
Straw Dogs / Olkikoirat. © ABC Pictures. P: Daniel Melnick. D: Sam Peckinpah. SC: David Goodman - based on the novel The Siege of Trencher’s Farm by Gordon M. Williams [= J. Anderson Black]. DP: John Coquillon. M: Jerry Fielding. CAST: Dustin Hoffman (David Sumner), Susan George (Amy Sumner), David Warner (Henry Niles the village idiot), Del Henney (Charlie Venner), Ken Hutchison (Norman Scutt). - The title comes from Lao-Tse: ”Heaven and Earth are ruthless and treat the countless creatures like straw dogs. The wise man is ruthless and treats people like straw dogs”. The ancient Chinese sacrificed straw dogs instead of living animals. - Filmed on location in the west of England and in Twickenham Film Studios. - Original version 118’. US release version: 113’. TV Nelonen PAL transmission with commercial breaks on Friday, 6 March 1998 (midnight). This was a special in-between cut: subtracting the commercial breaks it would run 115’48” at 24 fps. Finnish subtitles by Jari Bohm / Pre-Text. Caught on VHS in Helsinki. *** The Finnish TV premiere of a film which is not available on video because of the Finnish Video Act. - The astromathematician David and his wife Amy seek peace from the turbulence of the U.S. campuses in Amy’s little home village in Cornwall. They soon meet the village idiot and five hellraisers who get dangerous when drunk. The violence escalates - Amy gets raped and the teenager Nadine strangled - and in the final bloodbath the small, peace-loving David has to defend himself. ”I don’t know my way home”. ”Me neither”. This grim tale, no longer scandalous at least in the version transmitted, neither condemns nor glorifies violence as self-defence. Violence is shown as necessary in an extreme situation, but violence is not entertaining: it just depresses and brutalizes everybody who survives. - The film has a Jewish subtext; having had a double Scotch David quips to the priest that Christianity has not been able to put a stop to bloodshed.

Junior Bonner

081028 / 12 / US / 1972 / Peckinpah, Sam / / modern western
Junior Bonner / Nuori Bonner. © ABC Pictures; Wizan Productions; Solar Productions. P: Joe Wizan. D: Sam Peckinpah. SC: Jeb Rosebrook. DP: Lucien Ballard. M: Jerry Fielding. Songs ”Arizona Morning” and ”Rodeo Man” by Rod Hart. CAST: Steve McQueen (Junior Bonner), Robert Preston (Ace Bonner - father), Ida Lupino (Elvira Bonner - mother), Joe Don Baker (Curly Bonner - brother), Barbara Leigh (Charmagne), Ben Johnson (Buck Roan). Filmed on location in Prescott, Arizona. 100’. Todd-AO 35 scope. TV Nelonen PAL transmission of a cropped-to-full-frame version with commercial breaks on Friday, 6 March 1998. Finnish subtitles by Tuula Felin / Pre-Text. Caught on VHS in Helsinki. **** Junior Bonner is a wandering rodeo star, a former champion who returns to his home arena in Prescott. He has been almost killed by a ferocious bull named Sunshine. This blow is to him a veritable memento mori. He faces the fact that he’s ”busted”. But he won’t accept steady jobs. ”I gotta go down my own road”. His parents’ relationship is broken, and his brother is about to make his first million in real estate. In the Fourth of July rodeo parade Peckinpah crystallizes strong images of America. Junior keeps losing - the wild cow milking he loses because of his drunken father and his barking dog. In the final confrontation he meets Sunshine again. - Solid performances by everyone bring psychological credibility to the stoical vision about success and failure in America.

Karhun valtakunta

A-027838 / G / FI / 1997 / Kemppainen, Kari etc. / nature documentary
Karhun valtakunta / The Kingdom of the Bear. © Mandart Production. D: Kari Kemppainen, Pekka Mandart. DP: Kari Kemppainen. CAST: Bear, Wolverine, Wolf, Deer, Elk, Wood Grouse, Fox, Swan, Crane. 51’ /25 fps/ PAL. DIST: Mandart Production. VHS projection in Helsinki, VET, Friday 6 March 1998. *** Beautiful documentary about wildlife in Kuhmo, the Eastern border of Finland. Full of long, exciting and extremely difficult-to-get scenes about the shy beasts of the great forest.

Thursday, March 05, 1998


100640 / 12 / US / 1998 / Levinson, Barry / / science fiction
Sphere / Vieras tulevaisuudesta. © Warner Bros. D: Barry Levinson. Based on the novel by Michael Crichton. DP: Adam Greenberg. ED: Stu Linder. PD: Norman Reynolds. M: Elliot Goldenthal. CAST: Dustin Hoffman (Dr. Norman Goodman), Sharon Stone (Beth Halperin), Samuel L. Jackson (Harry Adams). 133’. Scope. MPAA 35817. Rated PG-13. DIST: Warner Bros. Finland. Viewed in Helsinki, VET, Thursday 5 March 1998. *** Intelligent science fiction yarn, one of those following the example of Solaris, as did The Event Horizon and Contact, with better success. The round shape, the time warp and the black hole play a central role in all of them. They are three variations of the same basic idea. In this one, the unknown and unseen alien has the power to make dreams come true. Barry Levinson is a good actors’ director but not a good action director.

Mortal Kombat Annihilation

100641 / 16 / US / 1997 / Leonetti, John R. / action
Mortal Kombat Annihilation / Mortal Kombat 2 - Hävitys. © New Line Productions. P: Lawrence Kasanoff. D: John R. Leonetti. SC: Brent V. Friedman, Bryce Zabel [based on the video game]. DP: Matthew F. Leonetti. ED: Peck Prior. M: George S. Clinton. PD: Charles Wood. CAST: Robin Shou (Liu Kang), Talisa Sato (Kitana), James Remar (Krayden), Sandra Hess (Sonya Blade). 94’. 1,85. MPAA 35012. Rated PG-13. BBFC: 15 (cut). Germany FSK: 16. Finnish subtitles: Timo Porri. DIST: Warner Bros. Finland. Viewed in Helsinki, VET, Thursday 5 March 1998. ** It took six days to create the Earth. Now the heroes have six days to save the Earth from getting lost to the evil realm of the beyond. It is a mystical and breathtakingly violent quest full of extravagant feats and magical transformations. There is a subtext beyond the cosmology: it’s about the sons and daughters fighting their demon fathers (”the Elder Gods”!), mothers and siblings. Technically awesome but too fast, slick and violent for its own good.

Wednesday, March 04, 1998

Blue Hawaii

060386 / G / US / 1961 / Presley, Elvis / / drama/comedy/music
Blue Hawaii / Sininen Havaiji. © Hal B. Wallis; Joseph H. Hazen. A Paramount release. D: Norman Taurog. SC: Hal Kanter - based on the story by Alan Weiss. DP: Charles D. Lang. ST: Edith Head. Best songs include: ”Moonlight Swim”, ”Ku-u-i-po”, ”No More”, ”Can’t Help Falling In Love”. CAST: Elvis Presley (Chadwick Gates = Chad), Joan Blackman (Maile Duval), Angela Lansbury (Sarah Lee Gates = mother). 101’. Colour, scope. MPAA Seal 19966. Print with beautiful colour definition: SEA / Valio-Filmi. Viewed in Helsinki, SEA, Cinema Orion, Wednesday 4 March 1998. ** Elvis Presley movies became a subgenre of their own in the 1960s. This is a prototype for future Elvis films to come. Elvis is a Hawaiian pineapple millionaire’s son: a beach boy returning from the army and wanting to start on his own, first as a tourist guide, and rebelling against parents to marry his half-native sweetheart. Elvis’s voice is at its best, but most of the songs are unworthy.

The Black Cauldron

093016 / 8 / US / 1985 / Disney, Walt / / animation
Black Cauldron, The / Taran and the Magic Cauldron / Hiidenpata. © Walt Disney Productions. EX: Ron Miller. P: Joe Hale. D: Ted Berman, Richard Rich. Based on The Chronicles of Prydain by Lloyd Alexander. Voice talent: John Huston (narrator), Grant Bardsley (Taran the pigkeeper), Susan Sheridan (Princess Eilonwy), John Hurt (Horned King), Freddie Jones (Dallben), Nigel Hawthorne (Fflewddur). 80’. Original version: 70mm Technirama. MPAA 27724. Rated PG. DIST: Buena Vista Home Entertainment Finland. Timecoded PAL VHS in Academy format projected for re-examination in Helsinki, VET, Wednesday 4 March 1998. *** ”Story of young Taran, a pig keeper, who attempts to rescue his clairvoyant pig, Hen Wen, from the Horned King’s castle. The King tries to get Hen Wen to lead him to the mysterious Black Cauldron” to quote Dave Smith. Official Disney Classic Number 25 has been one of the least available. I never caught it on widescreen, and the VHS hardly does justice to its visual magnificence. It is also one of the grimmest Disney films together with the Hunchback. One of the most ambitious sword and sorcery tales, it’s better than the animated Tolkien, but the main characters are not very involving.

Eurodisc Playlist for 11.40.02

100637 / G / US etc. / 1998 / various / / music video
Eurodisc Playlist for 11.40.02 / Musiikkikooste 11-40-02. Compiled by Pioneer Video Manufacturing. DIST: Ulkokaupat Oy. Laserdisc. Projected at VET, Helsinki, Wednesday 4 March 1998.
Aqua: Doctor Jones ***
Peter Andre: All Night, All Right **
Various: Perfect Day ***
All Saints: Never Ever ***
Spice Girls: Too Much **
Oasis: All Around The World ***
Space: Avenging Angels **
M People: Fantasy Island **
Allure: All Cried Out **
Will Smith: Gettin’ Jiggy Wit It ***

German Natdisc Playlist for 18.05.02

100639 / G / DE etc. / 1998 / various / / music video
German Natdisc Playlist for 18.05.02 / Musiikkikooste 18-05-02. Compiled by Pioneer Video Manufacturing. DIST: Ulkokaupat Oy. Laserdisc. Projected at VET, Helsinki, Wednesday 4 March 1998.
C-Block: Eternal Grace **
Boyz, The: One Minute **
Westbam: Hard Times ***
5ive: Slam Dunk (Da Funk) **
Chris Rea: The Blue Café **
Missy Elliot: Sock It 2 Me **
Black Attack: It’s A Shame ***
Mr. President Featuring Münchner Freiheit: Where Do I Belong **
Down Low: Johnny B **
Star: We’re Only Human **

Tuesday, March 03, 1998

Criss Cross

031311 / 16 / US / 1948 / Siodmak, Robert / thriller
Criss Cross / Elämän ja kuoleman leikki. © Universal Pictures. P: Michel Kraike. D: Robert Siodmak. SC: Daniel Fuchs - based on the novel (1934) by Don Tracy. DP: Frank Planer. M: Miklos Rozsa. CAST: Burt Lancaster (Steve Thompson), Yvonne De Carlo (Anna), Dan Duryea (Slim Dundee), Stephen McNally (ltn. Pete Ramirez). 88’. B&w Academy. MPAA Seal 13393. A fine NFTVA print. Viewed in Helsinki, SEA, Cinema Orion, Tuesday 3 March 1998. **** Bunker Hill, Los Angeles. Steve Thompson is the armored car guard who gets connected with gangland because of love. The romantic ambience of the Round-Up Club is contrasted with the cold efficiency of the armored car robbery. These scenes are pure cinema, as is the sequence in the hospital where Steve is waiting for the assassin at night, and the final confrontation (”She’s all yours now”).

Le deuxième souffle / Second Wind

Jean-Pierre Melville: Le deuxième souffle / Second Wind (FR 1966) with Lino Ventura (Gustave Minda = Gu) and Christine Fabrega (Manouche). 

075522 / 16 / FR / 1966 / Melville, Jean-Pierre / crime
Deuxième souffle, Le / Toinen hengenveto / Andra andningen. © Les Productions Montaigne. P: Charles Lumbroso, André Labay. D+SC: Jean-Pierre Melville - based on the novel Un règlement de comptes by José Giovanni. DP: Marcel Combes. CAST: Lino Ventura (Gustave Minda = Gu), Paul Meurisse (inspector Blot), Raymond Pellegrin (Paul Ricci), Christine Fabrega (Manouche), Pierre Zimmer (Orloff), Michel Constantin (Alban), Marcel Bozzufi (Jo Ricci). 150’. B&w 1,66. Visa de contrôle 31941. Print: SEA / Adams-filmi. Viewed in Helsinki, SEA, Cinema Orion, Tuesday 3 March 1998. **** Gustave Minda, ”the Public Enemy”, escapes from prison and gets in shape for one final break. An infernal web of conflicting loyalties between criminal syndicates is spun, and the police plays the gangsters against one another. It all culminates in a tragic bloodbath. This is the long version, where everyday incidents and patient waiting build a special kind of tension which explodes in short economical bursts of action. The cinematography is grim and the ensemble of actors is first rate.

The Replacement Killers

Antoine Fuqua: The Replacement Killers (US 1998) with Chow Yun-Fat (John Lee), Mira Sorvino (Meg Coburn).

100634 / 18 / US / 1998 / Fuqua, Antoine / / action / Replacement Killers, The.
    © Columbia Pictures. P: Bernie Brillstein, Brad Grey. D: Antoine Fuqua. DP: Peter Lyons Collister. ED: Jay Cassidy. CAST: Chow Yun-Fat (John Lee), Mira Sorvino (Meg Coburn), Michael Rooker (Stan Zedkov). 86’. Scope. MPAA 35239. Rated R = 17. Finnish / Swedish subtitles by Timo Porri / Eirik Udd. DIST: Columbia Finland. Viewed in Helsinki, VET, Tuesday 3 March 1998.

*** Visually exciting film debut by rock video director Antoine Fuqua. The visual surroundings of a passport forgery studio, car wash, photo automat and Buddhist temple are used for maximum impact. Chow Yun-Fat is convincing, although his English accent is wooden. Mira Sorvino is fine in a different role. The ultra-violence almost matches John Woo’s Hongkong efforts.

Monday, March 02, 1998

Jackie Brown

100633 / 16 / US / 1997 / Tarantino, Quentin / crime
Jackie Brown / Jackie Brown. © Mighty Mighty Aphrodite Productions. A Miramax release. P: Lawrence Bender. D+SC: Quentin Tarantino - based on the novel Rum Punch (1995) by Elmore Leonard. CAST: Pam Grier (Jackie Brown), Samuel L. Jackson (Ordell Robbie), Robert Forster (Max Cherry), Bridget Fonda (Melanie), Michael Keaton (Ray Nicolette), Robert De Niro (Louis Gara). 155’. 1,85. MPAA 35732. Rated R = 17. Finnish / Swedish subtitles by Timo Porri / Janne Staffans. DIST: Columbia Finland. Viewed in Helsinki, VET, Monday 2 March 1998. *** A total surprise. The Tarantino films so far - Reservoir Dogs, Pulp Fiction, True Romance, Natural Born Killers, From Dusk Till Dawn - have all been extremely violent. This one is about crime, as well, but with little explicit violence. It’s mostly about character. It has less action than the excellent Elmore Leonard adaptation Get Shorty, also influenced by Tarantino. We see Tarantino moving in the Melville direction: Le Doulos would be a point of comparison. But the visual style of Jackie Brown is flat. Another point of comparison would be Rio Bravo with its long duration, flat cinematography and emphasis on character. But Jackie Brown is much more laid back - at the risk of losing excitement. The dialogue is less flashy than before. The soundtrack CD will be worth buying. True Tarantino aficionados will want to see this film three times.

Die freudlose Gasse / Joyless Street (1972 ZDF Tonfassung / Gerd Luft, Jürgen Labenski)

G. W. Pabst: Die freudlose Gasse / Joyless Street (DE 1925). Poster design: Boris Bilinsky.

013436 / 12 / DE / 1925 / Pabst, G.W. / / drama / Freudlose Gasse, Die / Iloton katu. © Sofar-Film-Produktion. P: Michael Salkin, Romain Pinès, G. W. Pabst, Mark Sorkin. D: G. W. Pabst. SC: Willy Haas – based on the novel by Hugo Bettauer. DP: Guido Seeber, Curt Oertel, Walter Robert Lach. Ass D: Anatole Litvak.
    CAST: Greta Garbo (Grete Rumfort), Asta Nielsen (Maria Lechner), Werner Krauss (the butcher).
    Original length 3734 m /20 fps/ 162’.
    Telepremiere: 31 Oct 1972, ZDF Tonfassung by Gerd Luft, Jürgen Labenski, music by Hans Jönsson: 110’.
    Finnish subtitles by Saara Lappalainen-Parikka.
    PAL transmission by Yleisradio TV2 after midnight on Sunday/Monday 1–2 March 1998. Viewed on VHS. ****

First of all, one has to be grateful to see any version of this grim work of die Neue Sachlichkeit with a moving part for Greta Garbo. But then, this film, available for decades only in incomplete versions, was painstakingly restored last year – why did we not get to see that restoration? The version seen now was the censored one, with poor pictorial quality and shown with the wrong gate (Garbo’s head was often missing). In last year’s interesting documentary Pabst wieder sehen there is a scene-by-scene comparison how the film is profoundly altered by replacing the missing scenes.