Friday, March 06, 2015


Click to enlarge.
FI 2013. Documentary. D+DP+ED+S: Lauri Astala. 10 min
    Contact: AV-Arkki - Distribution Centre of Finnish Media Art / Hanna Joensuu,
Tampere Film Festival, Friday, 6 March 2015

TFF: "The theme of Transit revolves around the collective visual ideas and notions of the urban environment. Through the camera movements, angles and framings, the “documentary” shots taken in New York shift the city into a fictitious urban space, whose visual familiarity stems from the history of film."

AA: Experimental. Visions of New York from unexpected angles. Nocturnal, upside down, in slow motion. There is an affinity with Ernie Gehr. The film is about New York as a living entity seen from constantly and totally changing perspectives. Energetic, impressive, effective, and highly visual.

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