Saturday, March 08, 2014

Yöjuttu / Nighttime Tales

National Competition 10
In Finnish with English subtitles


Finland 2013
Animation | 10 min

Director: Olli Hurskainen
Yöjuttu on dokumentaariseen henkeen tehty katsaus siitä, mitä tapahtuu öiseen aikaan. Millaisia ihmisiä ja olentoja elää ja toimii silloin, kun valtaväestö nukkuu. Ja millaisia syitä ja ideoita kaiken takaa löytyy.
Nighttime Tales is a documentary-like review of what happens during one town’s peaceful night. What kind of people and creatures stay awake when others sleep and what are the reasons of their behavior

AA: Hand-drawn animation, full animation, cut-out animation, reduced animation, various colour schemes, black and white. True confessions about the night, animated. - "I'm much more talented at night". - "Night is like a perfect cup of black coffee." - "I went with the black knight". - "I feel more free at night." - Mobile phone static a part of the movie. - Remembering the endless night calls during the age of landline phones with extension cords. Funny, witty, original.

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